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邮 箱:ydzzhou@wit.edu.cn/zydz19910814@163.com



2016.09-2020.08 博士 Western University(加拿大西安大略大学) 导师:Jesse Zhu(祝京旭)院士

2015.05-2016.08 硕士 Western University 导师:Prof. Jesse Zhu

2013.09-2016.06 硕士 中国石油大学(北京) 导师:高金森教授

2009.09-2013.06 学士 中国石油大学(北京)


2023.12-至今 副教授 武汉工程大学

2021.11-2023.11 讲师 武汉工程大学

2020.09-2021.08 博士后 加拿大西安大略大学颗粒技术中心(PTRC)






1. 中国科协第八届青年人才托举工程,2023年,30万,主持

2. 湖北省教育厅青年人才项目,2023年,8万,主持

3. 重质油全国重点实验室开放基金,2023年,6万,主持

4. 武汉工程大学科学基金,2022年,10万,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022年,54万,参与



1. Zhou Y, Wang T*, Zhu J*. Investigation on minimum fluidization velocity in a modified Geldart’s diagram, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 453:139984.

2. Zhou Y, Wang T*, Zhu J*. Development of gas-solid fluidization: particulate and aggregative, Powder Technology, 2023, 421:118420.

3. Zhou Y, Xu J, Zhu J*. Different bubble behaviors in gas-solid fluidized bed of Geldart group A and group C+ particles, Powder Technology, 2021, 384: 431-441.

4. Zhou Y, Zhu J*. Prediction of dense phase voidage for group C+ fluidized bed reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 402:126217.

5. Zhou Y, Ding H, Zhu J*, Shao Y. The effect of gas properties on Group C plus fluidized bed reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394:125039.

6. Zhou Y, Zhu J*. A review on fluidization of Geldart Group C powders through nanoparticle modulation, Powder Technology, 2021, 381: 698-720.

7. Zhou Y, Zhu J*. On the two-phase theory of Group C+ and Geldart Group A particles, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59 (27): 12600-12609.

8. Zhou Y, Zhu J*. Group C+ particles: Extraordinary dense phase expansion during fluidization through nano-modulation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 214:115420.

9. Zhou Y, Zhao Z, Zhu J*, Bao X*. Group C+ particles: Efficiency augmentation of fluidized bed reactor through nano‐ modulation, AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(4):16870.

10. Zhou Y, Zhu J*. Group C+ particles: Enhanced flow and fluidization of fine powders with nano-modulation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 207: 653-662.

11. Zhang Y#, Zhou Y#(共一), Liu J, Shao Y*, Zhu J*. Performance Enhancement of Fluidized Bed Catalytic Reactors by Going to Finer Particles, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(43): 20173- 20178.

12. Han M, Zhou Y, Zhu J*. Improvement on flowability and fluidization of Group C particles after nanoparticle modification, Powder Technology, 2020, 365: 208-214.

13. Zhang X, Zhou Y, Zhu J*. Enhanced fluidization of group A particles modulated by group C powder, Powder Technology, 2021, 377: 684-692.

14. Du H, Zhou Y, Zhao D, Shao Y, Zhu J*. Fluidization stability vs. powder history of Geldart group C+ particles, Powder Technology, 2021, 384: 423-430.

15. Zhao Z, Zhou Y, Bao X, Zhu J *, Liu H. Reaction performance of fluidized bed catalytic reactor of Group C+ particles, Particuology, 2021, 54: 5-16.


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